
Rue Jean Meunier 6,
6922 Wellin, Belgium
BE 0799.225.560

Who are we?

Expert since 1874

We are a historic hat shop, proud of over a century of expertise in Belgium and France. Rooted in tradition, we continue a unique craftsmanship, forging strong connections with our customers. Our hats, symbols of elegance and quality, reflect our commitment to excellence and authenticity.

Close to our clientele, we value attentive and personalized service, celebrating the values that have guided us from the beginning.

A reimagined shopping experience

Our HERMAN 1874 hat shop offers a wide range of headwear for all tastes: from cozy beanies to casual bucket hats, airy straw hats, and iconic baseball caps. Each hat is a promise of elegance and comfort.

For special occasions, our ceremonial hats add a unique touch of refinement. Furthermore, we offer accessories such as elegant gloves and sturdy umbrellas, completing your style.

With us, the shopping experience is more than a transaction; it's an immersion into the world of fashion where every customer finds their joy.

Herman 1874, a reliable value

Herman 1874 stands out as the preferred choice in fashion accessories and millinery. We offer exceptional value for money, with exemplary team responsiveness.

Our collections combine elegance, quality, and innovation, ensuring satisfaction and style for our clients. Experience Herman 1874, where excellence and fashion meet.